Category Archives: Afro Uruguay

hello + thanks + wow, what a year

It’s been exactly one year since we landed in Uruguay, two small kids in tow, ready to launch the documentary AFRO URUGUAY: FORWARD TOGETHER with the generous support of 145 incredible Kickstarter backers, generous individual donors, and a Fulbright Fellowship. … Continue reading

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Southern Hemispheres

Montevideo, Uruguay – As friends, family and colleagues celebrate the first bright offerings of spring in the north, here in the southern hemisphere we are heading deep into fall. And with the change in seasons we pause for a moment … Continue reading

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Uruguay, Mon Amour

Guest Blog (originally published Jan 31, 2013 at It’s been a whirlwind six weeks since my wife, kids and I moved to Montevideo for nine months. We have found an apartment, moved in, and hunted down things like sheets, toys, … Continue reading

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With your support, we raised $15,000 in support of our newest film Afro-Uruguay: Forward Together, a documentary journey into the rhythms of candombe and a unique Afro Latino culture. We are now off to put those funds to good use during our first … Continue reading

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Transitions and Faith

Just a few hours left in this fundraising campaign, and I write this update while bouncing on a giant blue ball, with my 4 month old baby Luciana strapped to my chest. She is sleeping peacefully, trusting that all is … Continue reading

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Eight Days To Go

We are over FIFTY percent funded with 8 days left in the campaign, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! THANK YOU for all that you have done to get us this far. Wow. We are feeling exhilarated by the outpouring … Continue reading

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Tips to Avoid Black Friday Blues

Seasons Greetings! Black Friday is a day notorious for the fevered rush of holiday spending that it ushers in – replete with door buster brawls and sold-out-gotta-have-it gizmos. We invite you to take a break from the madness of the … Continue reading

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Many of you have already made a pledge to our Kickstarter campaign – THANK YOU! We are thrilled and grateful. You are an amazing and powerful group of people! We know that there are a ton of good causes asking … Continue reading

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Off and Running!

Iris Films’ first ever Kickstarter campaign launched last week – and we are off to a grand start with more than 20 people pledging support and gifts ranging from $2 to $100. You can keep tabs on our progress here: … Continue reading

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Kickstarter to launch this Thursday 11/8/12

We are thrilled to launch Iris Films’ first ever Kickstarter campaign, in support of Afro Urguguay: Forward Together this coming Thursday, November 8, 2012.  Stay tuned for more information in the days to come!

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