One Vote

Twenty-two million single women did not vote in the 2000 election. Had they voted in the same numbers as married women, 6,000,000 additional votes would have been cast. In Florida that would have meant over 200,000 additional votes would have been cast. The 2000 presidential election was decided by 537 votes in the state of Florida.

Many elections in this country have been decided by very few votes. In fact, women won the right to vote in the United States in 1920 by a single vote cast in the Tennessee legislature.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States by less  one vote per precinct.

One vote does indeed count. 

The Video

“One Vote” is a 6-minute video about women and voting, directed by two-time Oscar nominees Deborah Hoffmann and Frances Reid. At a time when women’s political muscle is more crucial than ever, “One Vote” aims to free voters from hopelessness, apathy and self-imposed disenfranchisement. Through interviews with women from various walks of life, the video captures the political attitudes, feelings, beliefs and desires of millions of women. The on-screen subjects are articulate and passionate, explaining why they vote, and what makes voting crucial to them and their children’s future. The viewer will be able to relate with the on-screen women and make the connection that her voice and vote are essential to the working of this democracy.

As one of the women puts it, “we won the right to vote and now you want to press the mute button.”


The video is a non-partisan tool for use by any organization that is doing voter registration, education and mobilization.

The video is available in both vhs and dvd formats, and can be played on portable dvd players by those organizers and volunteers who are registering people at unemployment lines, bus or subway stops, supermarkets, Wal-mart stores, DMV lines, YWCA’s, college campuses, or those going door-to-door. Versions are also available for use in clinics and other waiting rooms, as well as beauty salons.

You can obtain the video in one of several ways: download it now FREE from our website, or order it through our e-store.

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